The Virgin Suicides Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is first love so unique, according to Eugenides?

    Lux experiences first love with her boyfriend Trip, and the experience is memorable. The pleasure experienced from the first kiss cannot be explained but only felt. Eugenides uses the example of Lux's first romantic adventure to explore the initial excitement when one falls in love. Lux is lucky to get a man who truly loves her and does not take advantage of her innocent love. Trip and Lux are later married, but the first experience will always remain a remarkable memory in Lux's life.

  2. 2

    What is Eugenides’ view on parental guidance based on religion?

    The author draws the attention of the reader when he vividly describes Lisbon's family as strictly religious. Mr. Lisbon and his wife strictly apply spiritual principles when parenting. For instance, Mr. Lisbon prohibits his daughters from engaging in unholy activities such as drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and dating boys, among others. Mrs. Lisbon insists that doing anything wrong is a sin and it cannot be forgiven. Satirically, Lisbon's sisters choose the contrary. The girls are smokers, alcoholics, and date boys more often. In the end, the behavior of these girls leads them to death. According to Eugenides, parents should be practical and allow their children to have a social life and have the first-hand experience with life. Therefore, objective application of religion should be used when parenting but not using it as a sole principle to bring up children because it backfires.

  3. 3

    How symbolic is the title ‘The Virgin Suicides’?

    The title of this book embodies the challenge facing teens globally. Teens are experimental, and they want their freedom and space to do whatever they choose. When teenagers are denied the privilege of doing what they want, they prefer death, which is why the number of teenage suicidals is rising. Parents should learn to be attentive to their children and permit them to do certain things without supervision. Lisbon’s five girls feel that their parents are stringent, and they do not give them attention. Later, these girls choose death because they think that it is better to die than live with their parents.

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