The Subtle Knife Quotes


It might have bothered him at twelve years of age to be seen holding his mother's hand, but he knew what would happen if he didn't.

The narrator

Will had to grow up very fast and be his mother's care giver when he found out that she was suffering from anxiety. He had to be there for her and comfort her as she fought her inner demons.

And with vast changes they sensed in the world around them, it was natural for people to gather and talk.


Lee said these words to show how the uncertainty of events was plaguing the people's minds. They were restless for the world was changing since Lord Asriel decided to wage war on the creator.

A witch offers you her love, you should take it. If you don't, it's your fault if bad things happen to you.

Lee's friend

While Lee was trying to find Sir Grumman, he was learning details of the man's life. Lee found out that Grumman had refused a witch's love. These word uttered by his friends turned out to be prophetic for Grumman was killed by the witch.

The result was that I found their world an abominable place, and I couldn't wait to leave it.


Once John Parry crossed the border between the world's, he came to a new strange world where specters ate human consciousness. He hated it for it was unlike his own that was familiar and safe for him.

Will was a fighter truly enough, so she was prepared to agree with him.


These words are the foundation of a lasting friendship between Will and Lyra. Lyra is a headstrong person who almost always pushed her will. When she started to compromise and do things how Will wanted them, it marked the beginning of them finding their destinies which were intertwined and fulfill them.

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