Ode to a Pineapple Grenade (Excerpt)
Your fingers as lightning bolts
spindle across the sky,
cull skin into a pile,
a rake combing dirt,
softly singing
All along the watchtower
princes kept their view...
Baring the Trees (Excerpt)
The dead hang
from the dead like leaves
upon an ashen tree
waiting for their deep autumn
so that they may open
their withering mouths
and fall, but the sad
season never arrives...
Hero's Prayer (Excerpt)
I beg that my aim be true and my judgment
sound. When it is my time, let me seep
into the sand amidst a pile of enemies.
Let my barrels be molten and my bayonet
sleep inside insurgent flesh as the backs
of my thumbs run black with powder...
Marlboro Man (Excerpt)
... Where there's smoke,
there's bodies. The fire long gone. Only unfinished
stories remain. Their text poured out upon the...