Day 4

The Satanic Verses Lesson Plan

Classroom Activities

  1. 1

    Gibreel and Azraeel

    Kind of Activity:

    Classwide Discussion


    Students will perform a hermeneutic analysis of a section of the text.

    Common Core Standards:



    The Satanic Verses is full of not-so-subtle allusions to religious figures, especially in the Mahound plotline and Gibreel's character arc. At the end of Part 7, Gibreel buys a trumpet and names it Azraeel.

    As a class, discuss the significance of this moment, and what Rushdie seems to be implying is Gibreel's role in the novel. Allow students some time to research the archangels Gibreel and Azraeel.

    In both Christianity and Islam, Gabriel/Gibreel is presented as God's...

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