The Passionate Epicure Literary Elements

The Passionate Epicure Literary Elements



Setting and Context

The novel is set in the 1830s in the Jura, a region of France

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Enlightening and optimistic

Protagonist and Antagonist

The central character is Dodin-Bouffant, and the protagonist is Chateauneuf-du-Pape.

Major Conflict

There is a major conflict between Dodin-Bouffant and the blonde-haired woman on who is the best gastronomic genius in the world.


The climax comes when the Crown Prince of Eurasia invites Dodin-Bouffant for dinner in the palace.


Dodin-Bouffant’s art of eating foreshadows his invitation by the Prince to the palace.


The significance of the pot-au-feu is understated when the narrator says it is only vital to the Prince. In reality, the entire community celebrates the festival.




The sense of sight is depicted when the narrator describes the meeting between the Prince and Dodin-Bouffant at the palace. The imagery shows the opulence of the palace and the expensive kind of meals that are served daily.


The main paradox is that Dodin-Bouffant believes he is the only gastronomic genius. Even after meeting a smart blonde-haired woman smarter than him, he still ignores reality and assumes he is on top of the world, which is not the case.


There is a parallelism between Dodin-Bouffant's active years in services and his latest love for eating, which gives him respect in equal measures.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



The pot-au-feu event is personified when the narrator says it is lively and welcoming.

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