The Narrator (“Powder”)
The narrator is a boy who skis with his father prior to Christmas. They are trapped in a storm.
The Narrator’s father (“Powder”)
The narrator’s father is a forty-eight year old man who takes on the storm to impress his wife by returning the narrator back home like he had guaranteed her. He adulates his son; that is why he would never allow anything to transpire if it could encumber them from being together.
Frances (“The Night In Question”)
She is Frank’s elder sister. Frances adores and appreciates Franky unequivocally.
Franky (“The Night In Question”)
He is Frances’ young brother. He recourses to preaching instead of talking about his heartbreak.
Mike (“The Night In Question”)
Mike is the protagonist in the Frank’s sermon.
Janice (“The Night In Question”)
Janice is Mike’s wife.
Benny (“The Night In Question”)
Benny is Mike and Janice’s only son.