Niki is a perfect victim because she realizes that she doesn't have to play the victim. She is literally victimized again and again by men who harass her, but eventually, she realizes that the most intolerant men are the least socially capable. She realizes that men mistreat her because they revere her, and because they have grown hateful toward women because they don't know how to successfully interact with women. This awareness changes and grows over 30 years of narrative.
Popi is Niki's beautiful daughter, a living example of what is so broken and stupid about apartheid. She is physical proof that (contrary to prejudiced historical opinion) black people and white people are perfectly compatible by nature. The child is lovely, with light black skin, blue eyes, and fair hair. She also represents the dual nature of the nation, but in union instead of apart.
Viliki is the politician of the family. His views stem from his diverse perspective. As an experienced member of the lower class, he knows the truth about segregation and apartheid in South Africa. He becomes vocal about his displeasure, having seen his mother's story through his own point of view. Whereas his mother is polite and deferential, Viliki is outspoken and justice-oriented.
Father Claerhout
Not every man in the book is evil. There is that one priest who allows women to find honest work modeling for his studies of the human form. He pays prostitutes to pose in his paintings, so they can get a little more money, and so he can enjoy the beauty of the human form in his celibate, allegedly non-sexual way. At least to Niki, he represents a kind, detached ideal man who actually appreciates her instead of degrading her like her clients.