The Loved One


Loved Ones, Loved One, The Loved Ones, or The Loved One may refer to:

  • The Loved One (film), a 1965 American satire based on the Evelyn Waugh novel
  • The Loved Ones (film), a 2009 Australian horror film by Sean Byrne
  • The Loved One (book), a 1948 short satirical novel by Evelyn Waugh
  • Loved Ones (book), a 1985 selection of pen portraits by Diana Mitford
  • The Loved Ones (Australian band), a 1960s Melbourne rock band
    • "The Loved One" (song), a 1966 song by the Australian band
  • The Loved Ones (American band), a Philadelphia rock band
    • The Loved Ones (EP), a 2005 EP by the American band
  • Loved Ones (album), a 1996 album by Ellis Marsalis and Branford Marsalis
  • "The Loved Ones", a 1982 song by Elvis Costello and the Attractions from Imperial Bedroom
  • "Loved Ones", a 2003 song by Starflyer 59 from Old
  • "Loved Ones", an unreleased song by SZA and Kendrick Lamar

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