The weather and climate significantly influence the characters' moods and actions, often reflecting the emotional or thematic undercurrents of the story. Intense heat or harsh sunlight can exacerbate tensions between characters, heighten feelings...
The Question and Answer section for The Lamp at Noon is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.
The weather and climate significantly influence the characters' moods and actions, often reflecting the emotional or thematic undercurrents of the story. Intense heat or harsh sunlight can exacerbate tensions between characters, heighten feelings...
One of the story's two protagonists, Ellen is Paul's wife and the mother to their child. Economic depression and environmental devastation on the farm has left her feeling caged and hopeless. She longs to move to town, where her father is a store...
The couple had quarrelled bitterly, and Ellen is longing to make everything right between them. She is lonely and stressed by the constant dust that permeates their home. She is worried about the health of their child.
Yesterday, and again at...