The High King Characters

The High King Character List


Taran is the story's protagonist, an intelligent man who helps Gwydion to defeat Arawn and other enemies of his kingdom. When Taran sets on a journey to propose to Princess Eilonwy, things do not go as expected. While Prince Gwydion is on the way to Taran's proposal party, Arawn's soldiers attack him.

Taran joins Prince Gwydion to fight against Arawn and take away the magical sword he uses to defeat his enemies. Taran fights intelligently and conquers the neighboring troops that pose a great danger to Prince Gwydion. After King Math is killed, Gwydion becomes the new High King of Caer Dathyl. Towards the end, Taran is made the new king of Prydain, which is a way of appreciating his contribution to bringing peace and stability to the kingdom.


Gurgi is a close confidant of Taran. Gurgi is a trustworthy and supportive friend. When Taran goes to propose to Princess Eilonwy, Gurgi accompanies him and supports him in all preparations.

Princess Eilonwy

Princes Eilonwy is Taran's fiancé. Eilonwy is a courageous woman ready to defend the people she loves. In addition, Eilonwy is prepared to sacrifice anything to be with Taran. For instance, Eilonwy is willing to let her magical powers go to remain with Taran.

King Rhun of Mona

King Rhun is the protector-companion of Princess Eilonwy. King Rhun is a loving and caring individual ready to protect the princess. When King Rhun learns of the arranged proposal party, he ensures the princess is safe by putting adequate security in place.

Prince of Don, Gwydion

Gwydion is the Prince of Don, a courageous worrier who fights enemies intruding on his kingdom to ensure his people are safe. Gwydion is a strategic planner who studies his enemies before launching any attack. For instance, Gwydion first establishes the strengths and weaknesses of Arawn and King Math before launching an attack that enables him to emerge victorious. After defeating the enemies, Gwydion is crowned the new King of Caer Dathyl.


Arawn is the evil sorcerer who uses the magical sword to create immortal armies and disguise himself to avoid being caught. Arawn hates Taran and Prince Gwydion because they have discovered his war tactics and his ability to create deathless soldiers. Therefore, Arawn launches endless attacks on Taran and Gwydion, but at last, he is defeated.

Fflewddur Fflam

Fflewddur Fflam is one of the close confidants of Prince Gwydion. Fflewddur Fflam is in charge of Gwydion's security, and he is the one who drives the Llyan that carries the prince.


Achren works with Taran and other soldiers to ensure stability in their kingdom. Achren is talented at identifying people who disguise themselves to take the shape of others. For instance, Achren establishes that Arawn disguised himself as Taran before attacking the convoy of Prince Gwydion.

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