1 Which of these is NOT a title used to refer to Dulness? Saturnian Queen Great Mother Daughter of Chaos and Eternal Night Mighty Mother 2 What specific geographic region does Pope give the most attention to? Smithfield Newcastle Greece Whitehall 3 What is the name of the poet laureate whose death Dulness announces? Molière Thorold Caxton Eusden 4 Which of these is NOT one of the four guardian Virtues that support Dulness? Prudence Poetic Justice Valiance Fortitude 5 What does Bayes claim a Dæmon made him do? Give up writing Use common sense Write poorly about Dulness Critique Pope 6 What symbol marks Bayes' coronation as King of Dulness? A fog A fire Dulness' bird A sheet of Thule 7 What is the poetic genre of The Dunciad? Sonnet Epic Mock Heroic Free Verse 8 What does Dulness use to put out Bayes' fire? Sheet of Thule Water from the river Styx Her tears Her great fog 9 Which of these is NOT one of the fields Bayes considers turning to should he give up writing? Tutoring Gaming the Church Party-Writing 10 What does Bayes make in this book? A throne for him to sit upon as King A printing press for printing Dulness' works An altar for sacrificing A pen after the Dæmon stole his 11 What covers Dulness' face? A mask Darkness A silk veil Fog 12 Which of these is NOT a name used to refer to Bayes? Cibber King Colley King Log Ogilby 13 Who does NOT call those Pope is critiquing to their work? Jove Britannia Fate Dulness 14 What makes up the foundation of Bayes' offering? The classics of an age A folio of all of his works Twelve volumes of amplest size A Birth-day Ode 15 What basic poetic structure is The Dunciad composed of? Stanzas Sextets Tercets Rhyming Couplets 16 Under Dulness, what does Pope say happens between Prologues and Prefaces, Tragedy and Comedy, and Epics and Farces? They have nothing to do with each other They fight one another They care for one another They blend into one another 17 On what day does Dulness select Bayes to be her instrument? May Day The evening of Lord Mayor's Day Bayes' Birth-Day Hera Day 18 Who does Bayes NOT claim to have plaigarized from? Dennis Molière Fletcher Shakespeare 19 Bayes says he is inspired by both Dulness and who else? Wisdom Criticism Eloquence Emptiness 20 Dulness says she was once called another name. What is it? Pertness Wittiness Sloth Genius 21 What does Dulness anoint Bayes with? Oil Ink Opium Holy Water 22 Pope refers to the influence of all of these countries EXCEPT... Egypt Germany Greece France 23 What is one thing Dulness cannot do? Fly Appoint the Successor to the Poet Laureate Die Conquer Britain 24 Dulness sees a "Mob of" what advance? Metaphors Similes Writers Mysteries 25 Which of these does Pope NOT mark as a form of writing plagued so often by Dulness? Miscellanies Magazines Merceries Novels