The Dressmaker (2015 Film)

Weighed Down by the Judgment of Others: Character Assessments in The Dressmaker (Film) 11th Grade

The film The Dressmaker, directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse tells the story of a seamstress who returns to her hometown in rural Australia to care for her mother, as well as to exact revenge on the people who have wronged her. Set in the 1950’s, the film shows how the social norms of the time can enforce damaging prejudices about the way people should live their lives. These values cause those who do not align, to be bullied and as a result, they are further weighed down. Despite these critical preconceptions making individuals feel suppressed, with the support of others, they are able to stand up to the bullies in the town. Moorhouse highlights the potential for positive change, even in the face of adversity and social pressures.

The conservative values during the 1950’s in rural Australia allow some people to have damning assumptions about how others should act. As referred to by the town as “Mad Molly”, she is judged by them for having a baby out of wedlock. People in the town express their disapproval through their gossiping and misogynistic comments towards Molly. From the words of Mr Almanac, Moorhouse depicts the derogatory use of “slut” and “bastard” as vicious language to reveal the town stigmatizes. The McSwineys are also...

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