The Primer's voice
In her first experience with the primer, little Nell is surprised by the voice that comes out of it. The voice was accented, and it was like that of a real person, which made Nell fall into an ocean of feelings. This is also a foreshadowing, because the voice behind Nell's Primer is indeed a human voice, and the connection Nell feels with it from the beginning is also another part of her journey.
Feed lines as capillaries
In his journey to Atlantis/Shanghai, Hackworth feels the importance of new cities with new technologies. Atlantis/Shanghai, to him, feels like an old doomed city. Feed lines in new cities are an integral part, as are capillaries to flesh.
Miranda as Nell's ractor
In her story, Miranda becomes a ractor of Nell's Primer, and she instantly feels the importance of this new job compared to the other ones she had. It feels like lifting antique silver instead of plastic utensils, or wearing a gown instead of jeans. Miranda will go on to become a motherly figure in Nell's life.