The Da Vinci Code Quotes


Pain is good, Monsieur.


Silas says these lines to Jaques Saunière after has shot him fatally. The importance of the lines lies in the cruel irony of the fact that while Silas believes to have given Saunière an opportunity for redemption by experiencing pain, which he believes purges the sins of a man as he is an active practitioner of Opus Dei's policy of corporeal punishment, but the pain does proves to be good for Saunière as due to the misfire by Silas that resulted in Saunière bing wounded but not killed, gave him enough time to think around the situation and place enough clues around him so as to guide Sophie and Robert on the quest of the Holy Grail

P. S. Find Robert Langdon

Chapter 4

This is a part of the encrypted code that Jaques Saunière wrote on the floor of the Louvre Museum as an effort to reach his granddaughter who was a part of the cryptology department. The message is not just a direction for Sophie, who misunderstands P.S. to mean Princess Sophie, to find Robert Langdon but also a warning for the Priory of Sion that their ranks have been compromised

It seemed Eve's bite from the apple of knowledge was a debt women were doomed to pay for eternity.

Chapter 7

Sister Sandrine wonders this as she prepares to welcome Silas to view the Saint-Sulpice Church. Sister Sandrine is disturbed by the thought that a pupil of Opus Dei is coming to visit the church at a very uncommon hour. She also reflects on the sexist policies Opus Dei enforces on the female followers who are supposed to clean up the male dormitories and practice additional corporal punishment on themselves as a symbol of redemption. Sister Sandrine believes that the church and thus Opus Dei relies heavily on the Bible's representation of Eve as the sinner who was responsible for the fall of mankind from the heaven.

Money and faith were powerful motivators.

Chapter 10

Bishop Aringarosa wonders this after he as struck a deal with the Teacher for providing 10 million Euros for the information on Holy Grail. The Bishop is in a dilemma as the Church means to break off its ties to Opus Dei, and the deal with the Teacher has enough worth to raise the stake in his favor. The Teacher claims he is doing this for money while Silas is a very religious person and would go to great lengths to work for God. Bishop feels that both these factors will make sure that the task is carried out successfully.

English, my native tongue

Chapter 72

Teabing says this as he realizes that the text inscribed on the underside of the box containing the cryptex is actually written in English instead of some ancient language incomprehensible by the scholars. The code was written by Jaques Saunière in a mirror script such that it would be impossible to read unless a person knows exactly how to read it. This was also a way Jaques Saunière paid homage to Leonardo da Vinci.

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