The Carriage Metaphors and Similes

The Carriage Metaphors and Similes

“Finally, a few minutes before supper, whist stopped, but it still went on in words, and all heads seemed to be full of whist.” (Metaphor)

We can see the author’s desire to open the true minds of seemingly socially important people: the officers, the governors, whose minds were not full with important things concerning their occupations, but with a card game.

“The carriage is very ordinary. …Probably, there is something special inside of it.” (Metaphor)

Using this contrasting, the author shows that he hopes that the heroes of the story, not having something special, peculiar in their appearances, in the visible sides of their personalities, may have something valuable inside of them, in their souls.

“Chertokutskiy got to the bedroom and lay next to his young and pretty wife, lying charmingly, in white as a snow, sleeping dress.” (Simile)

Using the comparison, Gogol strengthens the contrast between Chertokutskiy (even his name speaks for itself, russ. chert - devil) and his wife, who is, as it’s evident from the text, a loving wife with a pure and delicate soul.

“But that [carriage]... it is amazing, light as a feather; and when you sit in it, just as if, with the permission of your Excellency, your nurse swung you in the cradle!” (Simile)

Comparing these words with the reality that appears in front of us at the end of the story we see the hero’s obsequiousness, his desire to please other. We see that his words are unfounded, and in this situation he just wants to have some profit, to sell the carriage, thus describes it comparing to a cradle, which is used for children, and may symbolize their innocence, which is desired, but unfortunately not reached even close. And thereby we can guess of his character.

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