Ratio of the French decimal week to the standard week = 1.653
Work Step by Step
Total number of seconds in a week = $No. of seconds \hspace{1mm}in \hspace{1mm}a \hspace{1mm}minute* No.of \hspace{1mm}minutes \hspace{1mm} in \hspace{1mm}an \hspace{1mm}hour * No. of \hspace{1mm}hours \hspace{1mm} in \hspace{1mm} a \hspace{1mm}day * No. of \hspace{1mm}days \hspace{1mm} in \hspace{1mm}a \hspace{1mm}week$
For the French decimal week, no.of seconds in a week = 100*100*10*10 = 1000000 seconds.
For a standard week, no. of seconds in a week = 60*60*24*7 = 604800 seconds.
Hence, ratio of the French decimal week to the standard week = 1000000/604800 = 1.653