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Organic Chemistry 9th Edition

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1305080483
ISBN 13: 978-1-30508-048-5

Chapter 1 - Structure and Bonding - Exercises - Page 27e: 40


Procaine & Vitamin C both have two types of carbon, saturated carbon & unsaturated carbon (double bonded) and their hybridization is shown in images (a) procaine & (b) vitamin C.

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Pi bonds are never involved in hybridization, only sigma bonds are always responsible for geometry & shape of a molecule. So all saturated carbon centers ( with sigma bond only) are sp³ hybridized and unsaturated carbon centers ( with double bonds ) are sp² hybridized. If carbon is triple bonded in any molecule then it will be sp hybridized. Note:- © is carbon center and arrow is written to show hybridization of that center.
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