General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications (10th Edition)

Published by Pearson Prentice Hal
ISBN 10: 0132064529
ISBN 13: 978-0-13206-452-1

Chapter 6 - Gases - Exercises - Pressure and Its Measurement - Page 231: 1


(a) 0.968 atm (b) 0.766 atm (c) 1.17 atm (d) 2.22 atm

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We find: (a) $736\, mmHg=736\, mmHg\times\frac{1\,atm}{760\, mmHg}$ $=0.968\,atm$ (b) $0.776\,bar=0.776\,bar\times\frac{0.987\,atm}{1\,bar}$ $=0.766\,atm$ (c) $892\,Torr=892\,Torr\times\frac{1\,atm}{760\,Torr}$ $=1.17\,atm$ (d) $225\,kPa=225\,kPa\times\frac{1\,atm}{101.325\,kPa}$ $= 2.22\,atm$
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