General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications (10th Edition)

Published by Pearson Prentice Hal
ISBN 10: 0132064529
ISBN 13: 978-0-13206-452-1

Chapter 2 - Atoms and the Atomic Theory - Exercises - Self-Assessment Exercises - Page 67: 102



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An element can be represented as $\,^{A}_{Z}X$ where $A$ is its mass number, $Z$ is the atomic number and $X$ is its symbol. $Z$= number of protons=17 $A$= number of protons+ number of neutrons=17+18=35 The symbol of the element with Z=17 is Cl (chlorine). In the neutral state, the number of protons and electrons are equal. But here one electron is lost to become a positive ion. Therefore, we can represent the element as $^{35}_{17}Cl^{+}$
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