General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications (10th Edition)

Published by Pearson Prentice Hal
ISBN 10: 0132064529
ISBN 13: 978-0-13206-452-1

Chapter 19 - Spontaenous Change: Entropy and Gibbs Energy - 19-4 Concept Assessment - Page 841: 19-4


190.4 KJ

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(1) To convert 3 mol $O_2$ into 2 mol $O_3$, the Gibbs energy change for the system is 326.4 KJ. (2) If 1.75 mol $O_2$ reacts, the Gibbs free energy change for the new system is (326.4 KJ / 3 mol $O_2$) $\times$ (1.75 mol $O_2$).
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