Chemistry: The Molecular Science (5th Edition)

Published by Cengage Learning
ISBN 10: 1285199049
ISBN 13: 978-1-28519-904-7

Chapter 1 - The Nature of Chemistry - Questions for Review and Thought - Conceptual Challenge Problems - Page 41j: CP1.D


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NOTE: As the problem mentions, these are supposed to be thought-provoking questions which are intended for group work. Thus, this is meant to provide a basis for your own thought and is not meant to be a comprehensive evaluation of every position on the subject matter. Not all parents believe in germ theory. As a matter of fact, many parents make unhealthy choices for their children even when there is evidence that not doing so is harmful. Another misconception is that all germs are bad. Some germs are bad, but some are actually beneficial. Many diseases are also not caused by germs as some claim. Some diseases are genetic, for instance.
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