Chemistry: Atoms First (2nd Edition)

Published by Cengage Learning
ISBN 10: 1305079248
ISBN 13: 978-1-30507-924-3

Chapter 5 - Additional Exercises - Page 240i: 141


a) $2CH_{4}+S_{8}\rightarrow 2CS_{2}+4H_{2}S$ b) $0.936\,mol$

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a) The balanced chemical equation is $2CH_{4}+S_{8}\rightarrow 2CS_{2}+4H_{2}S$ b) Calculating how much $CS_{2}$ can be made based on the amount of each reactant, we have $120.\,g\times\frac{1\,mol\,CH_{4}}{16.04\,g}\times\frac{2\,mol\,CS_{2}}{2\,mol\,CH_{4}}=7.48\,mol\,CS_{2}$ $120.\,g\times\frac{1\,mol\,S_{8}}{256.48\,g}\times\frac{2\,mol\,CS_{2}}{1\,mol\,S_{8}}=0.936\,mol\,CS_{2}$ Since sulfur makes the least amount of $CS_{2}$, it is the limiting reactant. Theoretical yield is the maximum amount of product that can be made in a reaction based on the amount of limiting reactant. Therefore, Theoretical yield=$0.936\,mol$
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