Chemistry (12th Edition)

Published by Prentice Hall
ISBN 10: 0132525763
ISBN 13: 978-0-13252-576-3

Chapter 3 - Scientific Measurement - 3 Assessment - Page 97: 100


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An important situation worth of consideration in the scenario that ice is more dense than water has to do with bodies of water in cold temperatures. If ice was more dense that water, ice would sink in lakes at low temperatures, which would rise the water level and probably cause negative consequences for life. Another situation of great consequence involves icebergs and the north and south pole. If ice was more dense than water, most of Antarctica, Greenland, and other territories made primarily of ice, including many huge icebergs, would sink and rise the water level of the oceans. The increase in water level would most likely cause oceans to cover a great deal of Earth's crust. This, of course, would have huge consequences for living organisms in general.
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