Chemistry 10th Edition

Published by Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
ISBN 10: 1133610668
ISBN 13: 978-1-13361-066-3

Chapter 27 - Metals II: Properties and Reactions - Exercises - Properties and Chemistry of the Metals - Page 1054: 38


The Group A or representative elements have their last electrons filling the outer ns and np orbitals, whereas most Group B elements have their last electrons filling the (n-1)d orbitals. Look to the tables to compare their properties. For example, Group 3A elements are representative elements and have the ns$^2 np^1$ outer electron configuration, with 3 valance electrons. Boron is a metalloid and crystallizes as a covalent solid (oxidation states ranging from +3 to –3), while the rest are metals forming ions with +1 or +3 oxidation states. Aluminum ions only have a +3 oxidation state. Group 3B elements are transition metals, with the ns2(n-1)d1 outer electron configuration and tend to have a +3 oxidation state.

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The Group A or representative elements have their last electrons filling the outer ns and np orbitals, whereas most Group B elements have their last electrons filling the (n-1)d orbitals. Look to the tables to compare their properties. For example, Group 3A elements are representative elements and have the ns$^2 np^1$ outer electron configuration, with 3 valance electrons. Boron is a metalloid and crystallizes as a covalent solid (oxidation states ranging from +3 to –3), while the rest are metals forming ions with +1 or +3 oxidation states. Aluminum ions only have a +3 oxidation state. Group 3B elements are transition metals, with the ns2(n-1)d1 outer electron configuration and tend to have a +3 oxidation state.
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