Microbiology: Principles and Explorations 9th Edition

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1-11874-316-4
ISBN 13: 978-1-11874-316-4

Chapter 4 - Characteristics of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells - Self Quiz - Page 113: 8


(d) Phototaxis (f) Flagellum (b) Conjugation pili (g) Slime layer (h) Chemotaxis (c) Glycocalyx (a) Axial filament (e) Capsule

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The following are some of the bacterial locomotion and external structures and their descriptions: Phototaxis- A response of some bacteria to move toward or away from light; Flagellum- Long, thin, helical appendage used for movement; Conjugation pili- Tiny, hollow projection that attaches two cells, providing a conduit for exchange of genetic material; Slime layer- Thin glycocalyx that prevents dehydration, traps nutrients, and allows for attachment to other cells and objects in the environment; Chemotaxis- Nonrandom response of movement toward or away from chemical concentration gradients in the environment; Glycocalyx- Term used to describe all polysaccharide-containing substances external to the cell wall; Axial filament- Spirochete endoflagella causing corkscrew motion; Capsule- A thick, protective polysaccharide containing structure located outside of the cell wall.
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