Microbiology: Principles and Explorations 9th Edition

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1-11874-316-4
ISBN 13: 978-1-11874-316-4

Chapter 14 - Host-Microbe Relationships and Disease Processes - Self Quiz - Page 432: 23


a) Incubation period- time between infection and appearance of signs and symptoms; b) Prodromal phase- period in which pathogens invade tissues; marked by early symptoms; c) Illness phase- period in which the individual experiences the typical signs and symptoms of the disease; d) Acme- signs and symptoms of the disease reach the greatest intensity; e) Decline phase- stage in which signs and symptoms subside and host defenses overcome the pathogens; f) Convalescence period- stage in which damaged tissue is repaired and individual regains strength.

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a) Incubation period- time between infection and appearance of signs and symptoms; b) Prodromal phase- period in which pathogens invade tissues; marked by early symptoms; c) Illness phase- period in which the individual experiences the typical signs and symptoms of the disease; d) Acme- signs and symptoms of the disease reach the greatest intensity; e) Decline phase- stage in which signs and symptoms subside and host defenses overcome the pathogens; f) Convalescence period- stage in which damaged tissue is repaired and individual regains strength.
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