(f, 2) Yellow fever;
(a, 3) Rocky Mountain spotted fever;
(e, 4) African Sleeping sickness;
(f, 2) Dengue Fever;
(d, 3, 5) Tularemia;
(c, 3, 6) Q fever;
(b, 3) Lyme disease.
Work Step by Step
Some of the diseases and their causative agent and principal vector are as followed:
1. Yellow fever- Togavirus through mosquitoes;
2. Rocky Mountain spotted fever- Rickettsia ickettsii through Ticks;
3. African Sleeping sickness- Trypanosomes through Tsetse fly;
4. Dengue Fever- Togavirus through mosquitoes;
5. Tularemia- Francisella tularensis through Ticks and fleas;
6. Q fever- Coxiella burnetti through Ticks and mites;
7. Lyme disease- Borrelia burgdorferi through Ticks.