Life: The Science of Biology 11th Edition

Published by W. H. Freeman
ISBN 10: 1-31901-016-4
ISBN 13: 978-1-31901-016-4

Chapter 20 - Processes of Evolution - 20.3 - Evolution Can Be Measured by Changes in Allele Frequencies - 20.3 Recap - Learning Outcomes - Page 436: 3


An example of heterotypy that significantly affects our food production is a gene that is responsible for the common unshelled corn, as opposed to the wild type teosinte, whose kernels are encased in shells called glumes. Tga1, the gene that controls glume development, differs between the two species by one amino acid.

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An example of heterotypy that significantly affects our food production is a gene that is responsible for the common unshelled corn, as opposed to the wild type teosinte, whose kernels are encased in shells called glumes. Tga1, the gene that controls glume development, differs between the two species by one amino acid.
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