Life: The Science of Biology 11th Edition

Published by W. H. Freeman
ISBN 10: 1-31901-016-4
ISBN 13: 978-1-31901-016-4

Chapter 10 - Photosynthesis: Energy from Sunlight - 10.2 - Photosynthesis Converts Light Energy into Chemical Energy - 10.2 Recap - Learning Outcomes - Page 202: 3


Cyclic electron transport provides energy to support carbon fixation. This pathway uses PS I and electron transport to produce ATP. The process is cyclic because an electron is transferred from an excited chlorophyll molecule and recycled back to the same chlorophyll.

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Cyclic electron transport provides energy to support carbon fixation. This pathway uses PS I and electron transport to produce ATP. The process is cyclic because an electron is transferred from an excited chlorophyll molecule and recycled back to the same chlorophyll. ATP is generated as proton concentration increases in the lumen. This pushes protons through the membrane, where ATP synthase takes advantage of the gradient to synthesize ATP.
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