Campbell Biology (12th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0135188741
ISBN 13: 978-0-13518-874-3

Chapter 31 - Test Your Understanding - Levels 5-6 - Evaluating/Creating - Page 672: 8


The wasp has been penetrated by the long, thin hyphae of the fungus, which are so effective at allowing the fungus to act as a composer as it digests and absorbs material from the wasp. In this, the fungus is seen to be an absorptive heterotroph. One can also see the fungal spores-producing bodies at the ends of the clusters of hyphae projecting from the body of the wasp.

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This question is asking you to review and summarize a range of information about fungi— skim the chapter and keep the picture of the wasp in mind. Jot down all relevant things you come across which relate back to the wasp picture and summarize them in a paragraph.
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