Campbell Biology (12th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0135188741
ISBN 13: 978-0-13518-874-3

Chapter 31 - 31.4 - Concept Check - Page 667: 2


Zygomycetes: The zygomycete Pilobilus has a swollen, lens-like hypha below its spores which allows the spores to be targeted towards the light/away from nutrient-depleted local habitat. Glomeromycetes: These fungi have small, highly branched hyphae with lots of surface area inside root cells for efficient transfer of nutrients back and forth with the plants forming mycorrhizae with these fungi. Ascomycetes: Asexual reproduction is via conidia, spores on the ends of special hyphae held individually high up to allow spores to be dispersed on the wind. Basidiomycetes: The many gills in a mushroom cap provide lots of surface area for the production of very large numbers of spores.

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Review Concept 31.4. Many of these are pointed out as examples in that section and you just need to summarize them. There are other possible examples than the ones selected for this particular answer.
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