Campbell Biology (12th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0135188741
ISBN 13: 978-0-13518-874-3

Chapter 29 - 29.2 - Concept Check - Page 629: 2


One example is swimming sperm, which can reach female structures since bryophytes live in moist habitats where films of water, through which the sperm can swim, often occur. A second example is the small, tough, drought-resistant spores of bryophytes which can successfully disperse on the wind. A third example is the capsule, in which spores are made and from which they disperse. It is held well above the rest of the bryophyte so that the wind can have free and easy access to it and the spores.

Work Step by Step

There are many examples— scan Concept 29.2, especially Fig. 29.6, and pick three structures. Try to imagine how the shape, position, etc. (which are part of form) help that part do its job
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