The main waste removal systems of the body are the digestive(GU) system which gets rid of solid wastes, primarily through some liquid waste is usually removed during defecation. The primary system for getting rid of liquid waste is the urinary system through we eliminate large amounts urine ( water with dissolved waste substances) each day. Urine is produced in the kidneys, carried to the urinary bladder where it's stored. A full bladder gets rid of stored urine by contraction of involuntary muscles triggered by stimuli from stress receptors in the bladder wall. The urine leaves the bladder through a sphincter and exits the body by way the urethra. The body also gets rid of some waste through the respiratory system (carbon-dioxide, and water vapor), and through the integumentary system (dead cells, hair, oils, and water).
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The digestive system is the main syatem by which the body gets rid of solid waste. Liquid waste ( in he form of urine) on the other hand is removed from the body primarily by the urinary system, involving kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. It should be remembered, however, that the lungs get rid of excess carbon dioxide and water vapor, and that the integumentary system( primarily the skin) gets rid of dead skin cells, dead hairs, sebum and water vapor.