Trigonometry (11th Edition) Clone

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 978-0-13-421743-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-13421-743-7

Chapter 2 - Test - Page 97: 2


$x=4,\ z=4\sqrt{2},\ y=4\sqrt{3},\ w=8$

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We see two right triangles, one to the left, one to the right. The triangle to the left (x-4-z), is a $45^{\mathrm{o}}-45^{\mathrm{o}}$ right triangle, which is isosceles, so $x=4.$ In a $45^{\mathrm{o}}-45^{\mathrm{o}}$ right triangle, the hypotenuse is $\sqrt{2}$ times the measure of a leg. So, $z=4\sqrt{2}$ The triangle to the right (4-y-w) is a $30^{\mathrm{o}}-60^{\mathrm{o}}$ right triangle In the $30^{\mathrm{o}}-60^{\mathrm{o}}$ right triangle, the side opposite the $60^{\mathrm{o}}$ angle is $\sqrt{3}$ times as long as the side opposite to the $30^{\mathrm{o}}$ angle. So, $y=4\sqrt{3}$ In the $30^{\mathrm{o}}-60^{\mathrm{o}}$ right triangle, the length of the hypotenuse is 2 times as long as the shorter leg (opposite the $30^{\mathrm{o}}$ angle). So, $w=2(4)=8$
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