Q1 is located in the group of 461,553 babies (20-24 years old).
The median is located in the group of 421,704 babies (25-29 years old).
Q3 is located in the group of 299,857 babies (30-34 years old).
Work Step by Step
A total of 1,570,759 babies were born. The median would be in the middle of that number, data point #785,380. This data point is in the group of babies born to parents 25-29 years old.
$\frac{1570759}{2} = 785379.5$
$\frac{785379}{2} = 392689.5 $ (distance to quarter)
Q1 would be found in the group of babies born to parents aged 20-24. (Data point 392,690)
Q3 would be found in the group of babies born to parents aged 30-34. (Data point 1,178,069)