Stats: Data and Models (3rd Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321692551
ISBN 13: 978-0-32169-255-9

Chapter 4 - Displaying and Summarizing Quantitative Data - Exercises - Page 73: 19


a) The standard deviation will be larger for set 2, since the values are more spread out. S.D Set 1 = 2.2, S.D Set 2 = 3.2 b) The standard deviation will be larger for set 2, since 11 and 19 are farther from 15 than are 14 and 16. The other numbers are the same. S.D Set 1 = 3.6, S.D Set 2 = 4.5 c) The standard deviation will be the same for both sets, since the values in the second data set are just the values in the first data set The spread has not changed. S.D Set 1 = 4.2, S.D Set 2 = 4.2

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a) The standard deviation will be larger for set 2, since the values are more spread out. S.D Set 1 = 2.2, S.D Set 2 = 3.2 b) The standard deviation will be larger for set 2, since 11 and 19 are farther from 15 than are 14 and 16. The other numbers are the same. S.D Set 1 = 3.6, S.D Set 2 = 4.5 c) The standard deviation will be the same for both sets, since the values in the second data set are just the values in the first data set The spread has not changed. S.D Set 1 = 4.2, S.D Set 2 = 4.2
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