Precalculus: Concepts Through Functions, A Unit Circle Approach to Trigonometry (3rd Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32193-104-1
ISBN 13: 978-0-32193-104-7

Chapter 9 - Analytic Geometry - Section 9.5 Rotation of Axes; General Form of a Conic - 9.5 Assess Your Understanding - Page 698: 30


$x= \frac{1}{5}(4x'-3y')$ and $y= \frac{1}{5}(3x'+4y')$

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1. Based on the given equation, we have $A=34, B=-24, C=41$, the rotation angle satisfies $cot(2\theta)=\frac{A-C}{B}=\frac{34-41}{-24}=\frac{7}{24}$ (quadrant I), 2. Let $x=7, y=24$, we have $r=25$, $cos(2\theta)=\frac{7}{25}$, with $\theta$ in quadrant I, thus $sin\theta=\sqrt {\frac{1-cos(2\theta)}{2}}=\sqrt {\frac{1-\frac{7}{25}}{2}}=\frac{3}{5}$ and $cos\theta=\sqrt {\frac{1+cos(2\theta)}{2}}=\sqrt {\frac{1+\frac{7}{25}}{2}}=\frac{4}{5}$ 3. The formulas for the rotation are $x=x'cos\theta-y'sin\theta=\frac{4}{5}x'-\frac{3}{5}y'=\frac{1}{5}(4x'-3y')$ and $y=x'sin\theta+y'cos\theta=\frac{3}{5}x'+\frac{4}{5}y'=\frac{1}{5}(3x'+4y')$
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