Precalculus (10th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32197-907-9
ISBN 13: 978-0-32197-907-0

Chapter 5 - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions - 5.7 Financial Models - 5.7 Assess Your Understanding - Page 321: 41


$15.27$ years

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The formula for continuous compounding where $r$ is the rate of interest, $t$ is the time in years is, $P$ is the principal, $A$ is the amount you get back after $t$ years: $A=Pe^{rt}$ Here we have: $A=\$25000$ $P=\$10000$ $r=6\%=0.06$ Substitute these values into the formula above to obtain: \begin{align*} \$25000&=\$10000 \cdot e^{0.06t}\\ \frac{\$25000}{\$10000}&=e^{0.06t}\\ 2.5&=e^{0.06t}\\ \ln{2.5}&=\ln{(e^{0.06t})}\\ \ln{2.5}&=0.06t\\ \frac{\ln{2.5}}{0.06}&=\frac{0.06t}{0.06}\\ 15.2715122&=t\end{align*} Hence, $t\approx15.27$ years.
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