Thinking Mathematically (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321867327
ISBN 13: 978-0-32186-732-2

Chapter 7 - Algebra: Graphs, Functions, and Linear Systems - 7.5 Linear Programming - Exercise Set 7.5 - Page 461: 14


(a) Provided that, a manufacturer manufactures x number of LCD televisions and y number of plasma televisions in a month and earned profit of \$125 per LCD television and \$200 per plasma television. So, the objective function that describes his total monthly profit is: \[z=125x+200y\] (b) Provided constraints are: Factory equipment cannot make more than 450 LCD televisions in a month. Factory equipment cannot make more than 200 plasma televisions in a month. Manufacturing cost in unit is \$600 for per LCD televisions and \$900 for per plasma televisions and total manufacturing cost cannot exceed $360,000. These constraints can be described as system of inequalities as follows: \[\left\{ \begin{align} & x\le 450 \\ & y\le 200 \\ & 600x+900y\le 360000 \\ \end{align} \right.\Rightarrow \left\{ \begin{align} & x\le 450 \\ & y\le 200 \\ & 2x+3y\le 1200 \\ \end{align} \right.\] Hence, the system of constraints is\[\left\{ \begin{align} & x\le 450 \\ & y\le 200 \\ & 2x+3y\le 1200 \\ \end{align} \right.\].

Work Step by Step

Since, from part (d), the maximum value of objective function is 77500 at \[\left( 300,200 \right)\]. So, refer part (d) to get the relevant values to fill in the blanks of the provided statement. β€œThe television manufacturer will make the greatest profit by manufacturing 300 LCD televisions each month and 200 plasma televisions each month. The maximum monthly profit is $77500.”
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