Thinking Mathematically (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321867327
ISBN 13: 978-0-32186-732-2

Chapter 10 - Geometry - Chapter 10 Test - Page 685: 22


Euclidian geometrics rigid and fixed. On the other hand, fractal geometry shapes are fragmented structures and shaped by repetition.

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The shapes in case of Euclidian geometry are somewhat inflexible, hard and unchangeable. These figures cannot be flattened, overextended or molded into any other shape. Shapes like Cylinder, cone,and Sphere may consider as the examples of Euclidian shapes. On the other side, Fractal geometry shapes are formed by repetition. The word fractal is defined as the term which is used for things which can be broken or fragmented, unlike Euclidian shapes. These shapes are shaped by repeatedly putting the same patterns one after the other. This property of repeating the patterns is often termed as self-similarity. Shapes like Ferns, the circulatory system of human may be considered as the examples of fractal geometry shapes.
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