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Basic College Mathematics (10th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0134467795
ISBN 13: 978-0-13446-779-5

Chapter 7 - Measurement - 7.2 The Metric System - Length - 7.2 Exercises - Page 492: 38


Greater 0.022 km or 22 m

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Greater Convert 1022 m to km. From m to km is three places to the left on the conversion line, so move the decimal point three places to the left also. 1022. m = 1.022 km 1.022 km is greater than 1 km, so 1022 m is greater than 1 km. The difference in length is 1.022 km - 1 km = 0.022 km or 1022 m - 1000 m = 22 m
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