Basic College Mathematics (10th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0134467795
ISBN 13: 978-0-13446-779-5

Chapter 5 - Ratio and Proportion - 5.3 Proportions - 5.3 Exercises - Page 350: 5



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We are given that 120 ft is to 150 ft as 8 ft is to 10 ft. In order to write this as a proportion, we can write both relations as fractions. 120 ft is to 150 ft can be written as $\frac{120 ft}{150 ft}$ 8 ft is to 10 ft can be written as $\frac{8 ft}{10 ft}$ Next, we can set both fractions equal to each other, which gives us a proportional relationship. $\frac{120 ft}{150 ft}=\frac{8 ft}{10 ft}$ Since the units in the numerators and denominators are same, we can simplify by dropping the units from both fractions. $\frac{120}{150}=\frac{8}{10}$
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