Judy has approximately 1100 left.
Judy has exactly 1140 left.
Work Step by Step
Estimate the total rent received using front end rounding to approximate each payment.
$458 \approx 500$
$500 \approx 500$
$515 \approx 500$
$425 \approx 400$
Add the approximated amounts to get the approximate total rent.
$500 + 500 + 500 + 400 = 1900$
Using front end rounding determine the approximate expenses.
$785 \approx 800$
Deduct the expenses from the rent received to determine how much Judy has left.
$1900 - 800 = 1100$
Determine the exact amount Judy has left by first adding all the rent amounts together.
$485 + 500 + 515 + 425 = 1925$
Deduct the actual expenses to determine how much of the rent Judy has left after expenses.
$1925 - 785 = 1140$