Thomas' Calculus 13th Edition

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32187-896-5
ISBN 13: 978-0-32187-896-0

Chapter 3: Derivatives - Section 3.4 - The Derivative as a Rate of Change - Exercises 3.4 - Page 137: 34


a. $t=1.5$ sec. b. $v\lt0$ during $0\leq t\lt 1.5$ sec, $v\gt0$ during $1.5\lt t\leq5$ sec, c. $t=1.5$ sec. d. $|v|$ increasing during $1.5\lt t\leq 5$ sec, $|v|$ decreasing during $0\leq t\lt 1.5$ sec, e. $|v|=7$ at $t=5$ sec, $|v|=0$ at $t=1.5$ sec. f. $12$ at $t=5$ sec.

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Given $s(t)=t^2-3t+2$, $0\leq t\leq 5$, we have $v(t)=2t-3$, $a(t)=2$, and we can graph the functions as shown in the figure. a. The object will be momentarily at rest when its velocity is zero. With $v(t)=0$, we have $t=1.5$ sec. b. It moves left ($v\lt0$) during $0\leq t\lt 1.5$ sec, and it moves right ($v\gt0$) during $1.5\lt t\leq5$ sec, c. It changes direction when its velocity crosses with the x-axis, so we have $t=1.5$ sec. d. It speed up ($|v|$ increasing) during $1.5\lt t\leq 5$ sec, and it slows down ($|v|$ decreasing) during $0\leq t\lt 1.5$ sec, e. It is moving fastest (highest speed $|v|=7$) at the end $t=5$ sec, and it is moving slowest ($|v|=0$) at $t=1.5$ sec. f. It is farthest from the axis origin $12$ at $t=5$ sec.
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