Calculus 10th Edition

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1-28505-709-0
ISBN 13: 978-1-28505-709-5

Chapter 1 - Limits and Their Properties - 1.2 Exercises - Page 57: 62


a. r= 00.84; b. $0.836 \leq r \leq 0.843$; c. $\delta = 0.003$

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We have $V=\frac{4}{3}\pi r^{3}$ and $V=2.48$ a. $\frac{4}{3}\pi r^{3} = 2.48$ $r^{3}=\frac{2.48}{\frac{4}{3}\pi}$ $r \approx 0.84$ b. While $2.45 \leq V \leq 2.51$ $2.45 \leq \frac{4}{3}\pi r^{3} \leq 2.51$ $0.836 \leq r \leq 0.843$ c. When $\varepsilon=2.51 - 2.48= 0.03 \rightarrow \delta = 0.003$
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