So in the first part of this problem it states "A sequence is a SERIES whose DOMAIN is the set of real numbers. We use THE NTH TERM to mean the general term of a sequence. The second part asks us to find the first five terms in the sequence $A{n} = n^{2} + 5$ So the answer is 6, 9, 14, 21, 30.
Work Step by Step
We work step by step by plugging in each into the the sequence as if it were a function. So $A(1)=1^{2}+5=6$,$A(2)=2^{2}+5=9$,$A(3)=3^{2}+5=14$,$A(4)=4^{2}+5=21$,$A(5)=5^{2}+5=30$