College Algebra 7th Edition

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1305115546
ISBN 13: 978-1-30511-554-5

Chapter 2, Functions - Section 2.8 - One-to-One Functions and their Inverses - 2.8 Exercises - Page 264: 100


a. $f(x)=\begin{cases} 0.1x \text{ for } x\leq 20000\\ 2000+0.2(x-20000) \text{ for }x \gt 20000 \end{cases}$ b. for $x\leq 2000$, $ y=10x$. for $y\gt 2000$, $y=5x+10000$. c. $y=60000$.

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a. $f(x)=$$\begin{cases} 0.1x \text{ for } x\leq 20000\\ 2000+0.2(x-20000) \text{ for }x \gt 20000 \end{cases}$ b. $f^{-1}$, $x=$$\begin{cases} 0.1y \text{ for } y\leq 20000\\ 2000+0.2(y-20000) \text{ for }y \gt 20000 \end{cases}$, for $y\leq 20000$, $x=0.1y, y=10x, 0\leq x\leq 2000$. for $y\gt 20000$, $x=2000+0.2(y-20000)$, $x=2000+0.2y-4000$, $x=0.2y-2000$, $y=\frac{x+2000}{0.2}$, $y=5x+10000,x>2000$. c. $x=10000$, $y=5(10000)+10000=60000$. thus, It would require an Income of $60000$ to pay $10000$ in tax.
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