Big Ideas Math - Algebra 1, A Common Core Curriculum

Published by Big Ideas Learning LLC
ISBN 10: 978-1-60840-838-2
ISBN 13: 978-1-60840-838-2

Chapter 6 - Exponential Functions and Sequences - Maintaining Mathematical Proficiency - Page 289: 3



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Use the order of operations $$\begin{align*} -7+16\div 2^{4}+(10-4^{2})&=...\\ &\text{ First: Parentheses } \\ -7+16\div 2^{4}+\boxed{(10-4^{2})}&=...\\ &\text{Inside the parentheses: Exponents } \\ =-7+16\div 2^{4}+\fbox{(10-16)}&=-7+16\div 2^{4}+\fbox{(-6)} \\ &=-7+16\div 2^{4}-6\\ &\text{ Second: Exponents } \\ =-7+16\div\boxed{2^{4}}-6 &=-7+16\div 16-6\ &\text{ Third: Multiplication and Division (from left to right) } \\ =-7+\boxed{16\div 16}-6 & =-7+1-6 \\ &\text{ Fourth: Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)}\\ =\boxed{-7+1}-6 & =-6-6 \\ &=-12\end{align*}$$
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