Big Ideas Math - Algebra 1, A Common Core Curriculum

Published by Big Ideas Learning LLC
ISBN 10: 978-1-60840-838-2
ISBN 13: 978-1-60840-838-2

Chapter 5 - Solving Systems of Linear Equations - Maintaining Mathematical Proficiency - Page 233: 6


$ t\leq -4$ The graph is shown below.

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The given inequality is $\Rightarrow 24\leq -6t$ Divide each side by $-6$. Reverse the inequality symbol. $\Rightarrow \frac{24}{-6}\geq \frac{-6t}{-6}$ Simplify. $\Rightarrow -4\geq t$ Hence, the solution is $ t\leq -4$. Use a close circle because $-4$ is a solution. Shade the number line on the left side.
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