Algebra 2 (1st Edition)

Published by McDougal Littell
ISBN 10: 0618595414
ISBN 13: 978-0-61859-541-9

Chapter 3 Linear Systems and Matrices - Investigating Algebra Activity - 2.1 Solving Linear Systems Using Tables - Page 152: 5


The solution is: $x=1$, $y=2$

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We first have to solve the equations for $y$. $6x-2y=-2$ Divide each term by $2$ and simplify $y=3x-1$ $-3x-7y=17$ Simplify $7y=-3x+17$ $y=-\frac{3}{7}x+\frac{17}{7}$ To solve the equation, we will use the table function of a graphing calculator. Input both of the equations as $y_1$ and $y_2$ and look for an $x$ value where both $y_1$ and $y_2$ are the same. $y_1=3x-1$ $y_2=-\frac{3}{7}x+\frac{17}{7}$ As the output shows, the solution is $x=1$, $y=2$
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